Prof. Giorgio Sberveglieri received his degree in Physics cum laude from the University of Parma (Italy), where he started in 1971 his research activities on the preparation of semiconducting thin film solar cells.
In 1988 he established the SENSOR Lab, at University of Brescia, mainly devoted to the preparation and characterization of chemical sensors based on nanostrucured metal oxide semiconductors either in form of thin film or more recently as nanowires and nanobelts.
In 1994, he was appointed Full Professor in Experimental Physics of the Matter.
He has acted as General Chairman in several Conferences on Materials Science and on Sensors including IMCS 2006 (11th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors), EUROSENSORS 2014 and ISOEN 2009.
During the 45 years of his scientific activity, he published more than 600 papers in international journals; he presented more than 280 Oral Communications at international congresses (19 plenary talks and 50 invited talks).
His Hirsch factor is 78, with more than 22000 citations.
From November 2016 he is the President and CEO of the spin - off of the University of Brescia , NANO SENSOR SYSTEMS srl ( NASYS srl).